Interesting to read that the oldest and largest Anglican Churches in the US (Truro and Falls) have voted to severe links with Episcopal Church because of its decision, three years ago, to consecrate a gay Bishop. Not just that, they have decided to place themselves under the leadership of Archbishop Peter Akinola the leader of the 17 Million plus Anglican movement in Nigeria.
If you like call me old fashion or homophobic, but just what did the Episcopal Church expect out of their flawed decision to consecrate a gay Bishop? Now I am not the church going type. But I know that the Bible which is the key book of the Anglicans and Christianity frowns upon homosexuality. The church is not a social club that has a constitution that can be changed willy-nilly. The gays were quite aware of the Bibles stance on homosexuality before they joined the church, why then are they now turning scriptures upside down? This is just like me a Black man going to join the British National Party (BNP) and turning round to complain that it is racist and should change to accommodate me. The gays have simply gone to cause confusion in the Anglican Church; they should have stayed away or gone to found their own religion that allows for Adam to shaft Adam
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